Some of the most hotly attended kickstarters of 2012/2013 include Relic Knights and Robotech RPG Tactics. Combining these two properties with the awesomeness that is Super Dungeon Explore, is it any wonder that Soda Pop Miniatures has managed to make a name for itself in the industry? Join us for episode 83 of Lost Hemisphere Radio, where your intrepid hosts have a natter with chief bottle wizard John Cadice about calamities in darkspace, veritech nomenclature, chibi adventurers, and their latest endeavour, the Mega Man board game. The bubbles tickle my nose over there at the linky. LINKY!
Friday, December 20, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
LHR ep81: No Quarter 51
What's this, what's this? Episode 81? But we've already released Episode 82! That's right, folks, things have gone a little wibbly-wobbly, a little timey-wimey, but the gribblies have been defeated and we're finally able to release Episode 81 to your waiting ear canals. This episode features Northblade in his element with the former editor of No Quarter, Mr Aeryn Rudel (now all sorts of big-wiggy with Skull Island Expeditions) and the new man in the hot seat, Mr Mike Ryan! Try not to miss the lurgy-ridden Gdaybloke too much...
Download the shenanigans from iTunes, or right here with this linky: LINKY!
Download the shenanigans from iTunes, or right here with this linky: LINKY!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
LHR ep82: Kings, Nations and Gods
Wanna know how many Ogrun live within the borders of the Protectorate of Menoth? It's a talking point! This episode Northblade and Gdaybloke crack the spine of IKRPG: Kings, Nations and Gods, along with special guest wordy type dude Autojack. Far too much time is spent on Cygnar and the filthy Morrowans for Gdaybloke's taste, but that's okay because it's a damn fine tome. Sure, there's some talk about Warmachine Weekend and impending releases, but let's face it, all that really matters is that Gdaybloke gets to talk about Allegiants... well, that's all that matters to him, at least.
Download the geekery on iTunes, or via the Linky : LINKY!
Download the geekery on iTunes, or via the Linky : LINKY!
Warmachine Weekend
Friday, October 25, 2013
LHR ep80: Interviewisode
What happens when Gdaybloke has too much caffeine and Northblade's sans trou? Well, same sort of thing as usual, really, except that Gdaybloke gets the giggles. It's episode 80 of Lost Hemisphere Radio! Today's serving has rashers of Templecon Interview with Snakeman and Lonelymonk, and a great big double scoop of PP studio painter and heart of Arcane Paintworks Meg Maples. This episode was *almost* titles "Meg sings en Francais" for a reason.
Get a rundown on some Templecon shenanigans and listen in as Northblade totally interrupts Meg's knitting by downloading the episode on iTunes or clicking the linky: LINKY!
Get a rundown on some Templecon shenanigans and listen in as Northblade totally interrupts Meg's knitting by downloading the episode on iTunes or clicking the linky: LINKY!
Meg Maples,
Saturday, October 12, 2013
LHR ep79: Ol Blighty
Blokeamalfic and Northblight are back with another episode of your favourite podcast with the words "Lost" and "Hemisphere" in the title! Time once more to embrace the dragon and spend some time pondering the Legion of Everblight. Who are they, what if you're interested in starting the faction, how you should totally ignore common sense and forum wisdom and NEVER buy a Ravagore... (*cough*)...
We also spend more time talking about IKRPG: Kings, Nations & Gods than we originally intended, but that's what happens when someone tells Gdaybloke that he can roleplay an Allegiant of the Order of the Fist.
You can join in the shenanigans by downloading the episode on iTunes, or by this here link: LINKY!
We also spend more time talking about IKRPG: Kings, Nations & Gods than we originally intended, but that's what happens when someone tells Gdaybloke that he can roleplay an Allegiant of the Order of the Fist.
You can join in the shenanigans by downloading the episode on iTunes, or by this here link: LINKY!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
LHR ep78: NQ50 - Swan Song
Since No Quarter Editor-in-Chief Aeryn Rudel assumed his post, we here at Lost Hemisphere have been honoured to have him appear as a regular guest on the show. Now it turns out that someone else noticed that he was doing a bloody decent job of it, and they're yoinking him into a new role. This episode, your host Gdaybloke gets to chat one-on-one with the shiny-pated weapon master about No Quarter issue 50 as we wish him the best in his future endeavours expediting Skull Island. Download? LINKY!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
LHR ep77: GenCon Debriefing
Sunday, August 18, 2013
LHR ep76: Mercenary Musings
Recorded on the eve of GenCon, episode 76 of Lost Hemisphere Radio is a test of one man's spirit. His nerve. His will to live. Just how many jabs about Mercenaries not being a real faction can hosts Gdaybloke and Northblade get in on their guest? All in the spirit of good fun and entertainment, of course.
Join us as we talk about the preponderance of Mercenaries in some faction lists, and escalate not one, not two, but three different contracts. Oh, and Plarzoid has some info about the NOVA Open for you after the main recording as well.
Download the shenanigans on iTunes, or by clicking the linky: LINKY!
Join us as we talk about the preponderance of Mercenaries in some faction lists, and escalate not one, not two, but three different contracts. Oh, and Plarzoid has some info about the NOVA Open for you after the main recording as well.
Download the shenanigans on iTunes, or by clicking the linky: LINKY!
Monday, August 5, 2013
LHR ep75: NQ49 and The Big Reds
Ladies and Gentlemen, after 74 episodes of natterings, malarkey and shenanigans, it's time for LHR's 75th episode of natterings, malarkey and shenanigans! Whodathunkit, 75 big damn episodes in the can. Ah, happy sigh. This time around we take a stroll through No Quarter #49, diverge briefly to Pacific Rim clix, and then we indulge a little nostalgia. Those of you who have been with us from the start will know that LHR ep1 was taking a look at the Khadoran war machine (pun intended); for our 75th, we get back to our roots and talk about where to start with Khador. You can download the ear-bliss on iTunes, or by clicking this here linky: LINKY!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
LHR Special Edition: The Warmachine Tactics Kickstarter
Ladies and Gentlemen, it's not often that we release a special edition of Lost Hemisphere Radio, but we're proud to share with you an interview recorded earlier this week with Privateer Press Marketing Coordinator Simon Berman, in which we discuss the very exciting Warmachine: Tactics Kickstarter campaign that's currently underway. Please enjoy. Linky!
Monday, July 15, 2013
LHR ep74: Convergence Chat
After a short break, Lost Hemisphere Radio is back in your earbuds. This time we natter with Big Man On Campus and Iron Agenda alum Tim Simpson, and supercoder and all round babe magment Brendon Caulkins. The topics? The Warmachine: Tactics kickstarter and the heady promise of Junior Warcasters, and we take a stroll through the new toys showcased in Forces Of Warmachine: Convergence of Cyriss. Audio gremlins ate the portion we recorded about the upcoming NOVA open, but we'll have that for you in a future episode. You can download the natterings on iTunes or by clicking the usual linky: LINKY!
NB: Since recording this episode, changes were made to shipping for the Warmachine: Tactics kickstarter rewards. Be sure to check in on the kickstarter to make your you have the most current updates.
NB: Since recording this episode, changes were made to shipping for the Warmachine: Tactics kickstarter rewards. Be sure to check in on the kickstarter to make your you have the most current updates.
Friday, June 14, 2013
LHR ep73: Lock & Load 2013 debriefing
After a short hiatus caused in no small part by audio gremlins, we're back! It's time for a Lock & Load debriefing Lost Hemisphere's roving reporter Andrew "Faultie" Bailey and former Lost Hemisphere writer and current Privateer Convention Coordinator, Michael Plummer. With everything that was announced at Lock & Load 2013 and the releases announced by Privateer over the last few weeks, it's a whole bunch of release nattering peppered with speculation and a bonus reference to macropod stomach bacteria. Find out what the heck that means by downloading the episode on iTunes, or by clicking the linky: LINKY!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
LHR ep72: NQ48 and the Gross Interview
Excuse me, sir, do you have a moment to talk about the Convergence of Cyriss? By golly, by gum, our guests this week do! This time it's a tag-team effort as Gdaybloke and Northblade divide and conquer to bring you not one, but two interviews that have just a tad of a focus on Warmachine's impending new faction! Jamie bends the ear of Managing Editor Aeryn Rudel about No Quarter #48 and all of its clockwork goodness, while Chris has a staring contest with author Dave Gross about his work on Skull Island eXpedition releases The Devil's Pay and Dark Convergence.
Download the shenanigans through iTunes or via the linky: LINKY!
Download the shenanigans through iTunes or via the linky: LINKY!
Dave Gross,
No Quarter,
Sunday, May 5, 2013
LHR ep71: The Grumblesode
Lost Hemisphere Radio has a grand tradition of looking on the bright side, being positive, and always rooting for fun over competitiveness. For episode 71 however, just this once, we're letting our grumpy side out of the box... well, it's about as grumpy as we're going to get on air, at least. Welcoming back the prodigal son JDWhitee to the guest seat, Gdaybloke and Northblade take a look at some models in Warmachine and Hordes that... well, they just can't figure out, or otherwise aren't fans of. Don't get too stressed, we'll be back to our usual chipper selves next episode, but for now? It's grumblin' time... Oh, and Jordan likes breathing heavily into his microphone. No wonder he's such a League of Legends celebrity.
Download the grumbly shenanigans on iTunes or by clicking this here handy little linky: Linky!
Download the grumbly shenanigans on iTunes or by clicking this here handy little linky: Linky!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
LHR ep70: Fireside Arena
In a whimsical turn of events, your intrepid hosts Gdaybloke and Northblade return to the fireside to natter about some new releases from Privateer Press, engage in discourse regarding their impressions of two of Skull Island eXpedition's initial forays in to digital fiction - Instruments of War by Larry Correia, and The Devil's Pay by Dave Gross - and then Gdaybloke has a natter with the Texans behind the Gladiatorial skirmish game Arena Rex. Are your headphones in? Do you have a snifter beside you? Okay then... sit back, relax, and enjoy Lost Hemisphere Radio, episode 70.
Download via iTunes, or directly via the Linky: Linky!
Download via iTunes, or directly via the Linky: Linky!
- Lost Hemisphere
- Skull Island eXpeditions
- Privateer Press
- Arena Rex
- - Gameplay Video
- Advanced Deployment
- Dragon Forge Design
- KR Multicase
Thursday, April 4, 2013
LHR ep69: Skull Island eXpeditions
Download now from iTunes, or by clicking da linky: LINKY!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
LHR 68b: Gargantuans II
As promised, the second portion of Lost Hemisphere Radio ep68 is now online for your aural pleasure. In this portion, Gdaybloke continues to berate DarkLegacy and KevBryant regarding model entries from the book, and Northblade sojourns to the frozen Northlands and defeats a Yeti in a bare-knuckle brawl for the honour of interviewing No Quarter Editor-In-Chief Aeryn Rudel. Enjoy!
Find the episode on iTunes, or by clicking the linky: LINKY!
Find the episode on iTunes, or by clicking the linky: LINKY!
Friday, March 22, 2013
LHR ep68a: Gargantuans I
Untz Untz Untz WHOO, it's time for another Lost Hemisphere Radio... but what's this? Episode 68 "A"? Why, that implies there'll be a "B" shortly! Yuppers,we've taken Gargantuans and we've split it into two episodes. Something special for you this time. LHR 68a has the doughty Gdaybloke pretending he actually knows what he's talking about with two (!) guests as they cover new models for Trollbloods and Circle Orboros, and then? AND THEN?? Northblade gets to plumb the depths of the mind of none other than Privateer Press Lead Writer Mr Douglas Seacat! Tune in to find out just what Jamie was able to dredge up not only relating to Gargantuans, but also to the Convergence of Cyriss...
Find the episode on iTunes, or by clicking the linky: LINKY!
Find the episode on iTunes, or by clicking the linky: LINKY!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
LHR ep67: Gluing Heads
It's a rare and special moment when we can title a podcast based purely on one of the Easter Eggs, but lo and behold, Ep76: Gluing Heads is just that! For those of you who are more interested in what we *actually* talk about, this episode the lads fire up the across-the-pond connection and natter with Daryl Elms of KR Multicase about their Community App kickstarter, and Fallen Studio's Chris Oelhafen about painting shortcuts, judicious use of greasy foreheads, and even a brief ramble about the Judicator and Silent Bob.
You can find the shenanigans on iTunes, or download by clicking the linky: LINKY!
You can find the shenanigans on iTunes, or download by clicking the linky: LINKY!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
LHR ep66: Ars Sportsmanshipa

Cheers, ladies and gentlefolk, it's another Lost Hemisphere Radio! Northblade and Gdaybloke are back to natter incessantly into your aural orifices with discussion of impending leagues, the LHMEEUMC (you try to pronounce it) and spend at least 15 minutes of a 2 hour recording talking about the alleged topic for the episode, Sportmanship. Why, it almost sounds like the boys are back in form.
You can find the shenanigans on iTunes, or download directly via the linky. What linky? This one! - LINKY!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
LHR ep65: The Templecon 2013 Dialogues
The Lost Hemisphere Gaming Calendar has rolled over, bookmarked as always by another three days of no sleep, plenty of gaming, and far too many corsets, if there is such a thing. Yup, Templecon 2013's done, and once again Gdaybloke's managed to record a handful of interviews for your listening pleasure. Convergence of Cyriss? Omega Protocol? High Command? We've got the Privateer Press announcements covered with Ed Bourelle and Will Schick. We also snuck in some Dropzone Commander, Brushfire and Hull Breach, and a couple of the UK contingent wormed their way into the recording too.
Download the natterings on iTunes, or right here from this shiny link: LINK!
Download the natterings on iTunes, or right here from this shiny link: LINK!
Friday, January 25, 2013
LHR ep64: The one before Templecon 2013
We're all on tenderhooks awaiting Privateer's keynote at Templecon 2013, but Gdaybloke and Northblade thought they'd squeeze out one more episode to tide you over until the main event. Are you up to participate in Lost Hemisphere's Most Epic Extreme Unloved Models Challenge? Is your mind boggling with the changes to Steamroller 2013, including the new Hardcore scenario? Download the natterings on iTunes or clicky da linky: LINKY!
Saturday, January 12, 2013
LHR ep63: Bittersweet Ramblings
Today marked the 5th anniversary of Lost Hemisphere, the blog, which makes today's announcements a little bittersweet for an old sod like Gdaybloke. Thankfully, Northblade's along for the right to up the ante with some natterings about a super cool hoopy frood challenge that his locals are undertaking. Can YOUR local meta handle the D-List Challenge??
Download the natterings by clicking the linky: LINKY!
Download the natterings by clicking the linky: LINKY!
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