Thursday, October 14, 2010

LHR ep13: Keeping it Pink

Miss us? I know you did... well, miss us no longer - it's time for another does of Lost Hemisphere Radio, recommended by 9 our of 10 dentists who like Lost Hemisphere Radio. This time around Menothjohn and Gdaybloke drag on their special guest to mark Breast Cancer Awareness month by discussing the Breast Cancer Brawl tournaments, including the granddaddy of them all (or should that be grandma?), BCB: Boise.

We take a mental meander over some Retribution (Invictors are good), Trolls (Dannon & Bull killed something!) and Mercs (Roulette is a dirty, dirty feat), and let's not forget our first mini-interview as one of our roving reporters corners PPS DC and makes him answer the questions no-one else would dare to ask...

Lost Hemisphere Radio episode 13 can be downloaded directly here: LINK!

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