Thursday, July 17, 2014

LHR ep96: The Novice Interviews

A Little more Lost for the 'Lobes. Actually, it's over two hours. See, we thought we'd do some interviews with folks regarding the six novice warcasters and three novice warlocks that Privateer's recently released, talking about how they worked, pros and cons, that sort of thing, and, well, some of us just got a little carried away. Now it's your turn! Join Gdaybloke, Northblade, Autojack and a host of self-styled faction gurus from across the interwebs as we try to figure out whether or not it's really worth putting a Colossal or Gargantuan under the control of a 3 pt solo... Download on iTunes or right here - LINKY!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

LHR ep95: The Pirate and The Ninja

It's time to monopolize your earlobes for another hour with the latest episode of Lost Hemisphere Radio. While we normally advise against crossing the streams, this episode's guests include both Pirate Travis *and* Ninja Steve! On the table for discussion? Soda Pop's Relic Knights arriving on doorsteps around the planet, and the Convergence of Cyriss, setting groundwork for an upcoming article series on Lost Hemisphere. Got time? We've got audio. Find it here: Linky!

A special note: We're on the approach to our 100th episode. Wouldn't it be neat to hear your voice on the show? Feel free to record a shoutout and email it to!